Monday, May 28, 2012

Today's youth and society

I was having a conversation with a friend from high school who is now a teacher and we were discussing the youth in his class. He asked them where do they see themselves in the future. One kid said he wanted to be a hustler. Ok. Stop. What the fuck is wrong with this picture?!?!

These words should never be coming from the mouth of a child in regards to their future. People need to raise their children correctly. Monitor what they do, what they watch and listen to. Know more about their friends, cause this notion came from somewhere. Even if your family members or you personally are a hustler, you should want more, want better for you child. The minute you have a "seed" get a plan for the future... yours and theirs.

Not to get preachy, but education, military, learning a trade. Dont give me that "Life is a hustle" crap, cause you know what I mean.Work hard get yours. Granted there is (a little) money to be made, but no real future in it. Stay in the game long enough and you end up in jail or dead. Then you who will be there to raise your youngin? Not You!

Those that think "I'm in to do abc and then Im out" never really get out because abc turn into xyz. Granted I personally thought about doing it (for the money), but maybe Its the way I was raised, maybe I didnt have the cojones, maybe I overthought the situation, but I never went through with it. It seemed like the risk outweighed the I was over 18 and not trying to do adult time if bagged.

I have hustlers in my family, in my circle of friends and no I do not think this is an acceptable line of employment. The hustlers that I know are over the age of 18 and therefore are abke to decide their own path in life. Pass or fail in life, it's in their hands.

Now, no disrespect to the hustlers that are on the grind, but this is not a good look for a kid. our society has glorified the criminal mentality to the poing that a child that is 12-15 thinks this is a viable future.

What are your thought?

Whores, sluts and common sense

So, I'm out going to see a friend and while on my travels I notice the closest high school is out...or cutting depending on the grade. But as I looking at the girls, not women, I notice what they are wearing. The shortest possible shorts and shirts the school will allow. I've seen more clothes being worn in porn. Granted I am lusting after them but as tasty as they look, I will not act unless they are legal...or have a parental consent slip. But others are not as law abiding as me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Ugly Truth

Some people are just ugly & have ugly bf/gf and think they are the shit lol, i'm soo evil :-)

28 minutes ago via Mobile Web ·  · 

  • .

    • Adrian tht leads to ugly babies...its a whole ugly cycle
      12 minutes ago · 

    •  Lol yup i seem soo many lol...
      10 minutes ago · 

    • Adrian People need to wake up and look in the mirror! If you're ugly, do something about it. Cover it up so you can find a more attractive mate. If you cant cover it up sterilize yourself. Kill the ugly gene. Dont procreate! Save humanity!
      3 minutes ago · 

This is a post and conversation on facebook that one of my female friends had last night. It may seem childish, stupid, or even vain, but its the truth on many different levels. 

Lets start with the basics: 
The physical aspect. When you look around your world, look at the people in it. Notice the people that you personally feel are ugly. not physically attractive. Notice that they pair off. 7 times out of 10 These people have a mate that is like them Cosmetically challenged. Which leads to double ugly children to perpetuate the cycle. Granted they may have a personality that is true gold, and that's great and all, but still...think of the future. Looks fade, personality lasts (hopefully forever) but when you are 60+ (or even 40 depending on how you age) do you really want to wake up to something next to you that looks like the Crypt keeper? And the kids?!? Everybody thinks they're babies are beautiful, but don't get it twisted, genetic don't lie. Ugly + ugly = Fugly!
Don't believe me? Try this excersise: No matter how u feel you look, Coyote ugly morning (so ugly that the person next to you wakes up and tries to chew their arm off to escape) or all that, and a bag of chip, + a $.50 drink (Tropical Fantasy), look at 1 or both of your parents. You look like them, or can see attributes. If you and your mate look like a chupacabra, your kids will have chupie-like features, and so on down the line.
Stop the ugly! Use the sliding scale---more on this in a later post.
Tired now.. Stay tuned for the next post Advanced Ugliness: Ugly of the interior 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 1 Post 1

Welcome to the inner workings of my mind. This will be a place where I will be spewing unfiltered venom, ranting and raving, and just speaking on how I feel about things from day to day. What you read here may sound like a cry for help, threats against people, property, and and society, But note that I do know the difference between right and wrong. If I was going to do something, I would just do it. Plain and simple.This is merely a place to get my thoughts across without having to snap. If you agree with my thought process, congratz on realizing that you are not alone in the world. I will not condone, support, nor disapprove of like-minded individuals acting on my thought. They are my thoughts and not suggestions on things you and or other like minded individuals should do.  If you disagree, well fuck you. have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up!